Finance Information
Vet care is a combination of medicine and surgery which is a high cost, high tech industry stemming from both human and animal research. Needless to say treatment of sick pets can weigh heavily on the purse strings. Unlike human care, veterinary health has no government subsidies and as such the veterinarian and client have no choice but to meet all of the costs involved.
We endeavour to keep cost of treatment as minimal as possible and emphasise that any treatment plan is about you and your pet. First and foremost we are here to tailor the best treatment for your pet within your financial limits. Don't ever be afraid to discuss this with us and that way we won't waste any time in getting your pet the best care it needs right from the start.
More and more pet owners are now reaching for pet insurance and over the years it has become increasingly popular. There are many different companies that offer pet insurance and looking into the best plan for you and your pet is a worthwhile exercise. Always read the inclusions and exclusions carefully and talk to their support team on the phone for more information. If you know exactly what you are covered for you can have peace of mind that the insurance is right for you and your pet is in safe hands.
Options of payment can be varied. Did you know there are third parties that can offer finance for that unexpected emergency bill? Vetpay and ZipPay are companies who offer finance for your pet care in an easy step by step process with affordable payment options.
Applications can be made online or at your Veterinary Clinic. Please speak to staff regarding this if you would like to consider this option.
It is important to note that Pets Life Vet Care is unable to offer accounts and does require payment for services on the day of consultation.
We thank you for your understanding on this matter.